I made some sketches for the Closet project:
A regular bedroom setup with a normal closet at the corner
The closet setup
AR iPad magnifier
Original Idea:
I want to build a physical exhibition that takes place in a bedroom with a closet that is embedded with mixed reality stories about my sexuality. I want to use this exhibition to come out to my parents and inspire others. By documenting the process and collecting feedback, I want to come up with a mixed reality storytelling tool kits that can help others for interpersonal communication.
At this point, my research should be focusing on
Coming out stories
Mixed reality storytelling approaches
Queer studies
Interpersonal communication
Social media support
I want to explore more:
Experience-based examples, similar to coming out stories;
Take places in multiple platforms or medium
Non-LGBTQ-related stories
Online communities, social media accounts, NGOs, etc.
Project brainstormed:
A time travel to some highlight moments in my life-long memory. Like the Pensive in Harry Potter. It’s important because that’s how I know my sexuality and by showing a short version of my life story, my sexuality should be understandable and acceptable for others as well.
Celebrated and shareable:
A first-person RPG game like the Sims that is trying to survive and thrive in different gender and sexuality. The rewards for playing the game can be a real contribution to the community, like bitcoin donation to Call for Action.
Exciting and scary:
An escape room of being hunted as queer people. It can be based on real histories like the 1969 Stonewall riots and the 2016 Orlando gay bar shooting.
Fun in the process:
A vlog series of collecting impressions from childhood friends, classmates, colleagues, mentors, distinguished person that I know, and significant others (including ex) on how they think about me and how does me being queer matters or doesn’t matter at all.
Final brainstormed projects directions:
Project 1:
I want to build a physical exhibition that takes place in a bedroom with a closet that is embedded with mixed reality stories about my sexuality. A time travel to some highlight moments in my life-long memory. Like the Pensive in Harry Potter. I want to use this exhibition to come out to my parents and inspire others. It’s important because that’s how I know my sexuality and by showing a short version of my life story, my sexuality should be understandable and acceptable for others as well.
Project 2:
Send women a media kit that they use and send back to me to compile. It contains a disposable camera, voice recorder, super 8mm camera, paper and pens, and empty bottles. They convey what it looks like, sounds like, moves like, reads like, smells like to live their identity. A vlog series of collecting impressions from childhood friends, classmates, colleagues, mentors, distinguished person that I know, and significant others (including ex) on how they think about me and how does me being queer matters or doesn’t matter at all. By documenting the process and collecting feedback, I want to come up with a mixed reality storytelling protocol that can help others for interpersonal communication.