I presented the prototype to Scott last week. Here is the presentation.
I also added a few models to the scene. Since Mozilla Spoke is an online 3D workstation, it can only accept glb models. It’s also brand new, so it took me a looooooot of time to debug and test run.
Here’s what I got so far:
I changed the entire virtual space into a black universe with colorful box-like particles floating in the air.
Old scene in a pure white world
New scene
I am minimizing the objects and textures to make sure the scenes will run smoothly.
I tried to make each box’s exhibits simple and straight forward.
I am also reaching out to storytellers to be part of the performance. Ideally, they will stand in story-sharing boxes.
I’m also testing out if I can host two rooms with different scenes at the same time.
I also designed the route to be linear and narrow to control the audience flow.
I am also planning on entering the virtual space first to add in movable content along the way.
Anything added in the 3D room are interactive and movable.
Audience are encouraged to share their 3D objects, images, gifs, video links, real-time writings/sketches in the space, and speak up.
Ideally, it should look like this with audience in it.